Exploring Costa Rica During the Rainy Season.

By Silvanna Pacheco, May 13th, 2024

Costa Rica offers an unforgettable experience year-round, but the rainy season or “Green Season” is a gem for nature enthusiasts. The rain transforms Costa Rica into a vibrant spectacle. The rainforest becomes an even more verdant paradise, with waterfalls overflowing and nature bursting with life. Animals emerge from their shelters, making it an ideal time for wildlife lovers to spot everything from colorful toucans to jaguars.

Central Pacific Region.

The rainy season is the low season in Costa Rica. This means lower travel costs in accommodations and flights. The rainy season also offers a more intimate travel experience. You’ll find a more serene side of the country, truly appreciating its natural wonders without the crowds. Take your time to immerse yourself in the local culture and meet the everyday people.

Nauyaca Waterfall, Manuel Antonio.

Rainy season in Costa Rica is generally from the beginning of May to the end of November. The transition months from dry to rainy are April and May and the rainiest months are September and October.

The climate differs by region in Costa Rica because of its varied topography. For example Guanacaste Province is the driest part of the country and has the shortest rainy season. Rainforests in the Southern Pacific Coast and the Osa Peninsula have the longest rainy season and get the most rain. The Caribbean Coast has its own micro climate and completely different weather patterns that are difficult to predict. Usually you will find clear blue skies in June, July and September.

When packing for a Costa Rican adventure you should always consider bringing good hiking shoes, a light raincoat as well as insect repellent, no difference if you are traveling during the rainy or dry season. Sun protection is a must! We recommend to bring a hat, sunglasses and sunscreen with SPF 50 or higher. 

North Pacific region.

For rainy months, embrace flexibility by scheduling outdoor activities for the mornings and being prepared to adjust plans if needed. Don’t let the rain stop you from having fun and exploring! With the right preparation and an adventurous spirit, Costa Rica’s rainy season will offer you an unforgettable adventure.

If you ask me, a quick afternoon shower is the perfect time to enjoy a freshly brewed cup of coffee on a balcony somewhere overlooking the view of the tropical rainforest.